2nd Edition NOW Available all over the world
on Amazon
From Darkness To Light
invites us to look within. It provides practical guidance and inspiration to reflect on our life’s journey, its ups and downs, its struggles and glories, its pain and joy.
It’s meant to be a guide for those who are awakening to spirituality, questioning the status-quo, looking for a way within, and who want to grow from their pain into freedom, to find more strength, trust and self-love. It offers practical tools for emotional healing, like guided meditations and journal prompts, as well as Will’s original music that accompanies each chapter.
Through the author’s story and art, you will feel called to connect deeply with your soul, and find the light and love within.
CLICK HERE to purchase your copy
CLICK HERE to purchase your copy
“Will Caminada’s willingness to be raw and vulnerable about his pain, helps us to feel safe to explore our own darkness in order for true and lasting healing. From Darkness To Light guides us through a powerful journey toward true self-love and self-acceptance through his beautiful and insightful words, music and art.”
- Jay Bradley - author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, Breathwork Teacher & Healer and
Creator of Chakra Balms Los Angeles/US www.breatheonit.net
“Heartfelt story, important message and beautiful soul. Will Caminada invites you into a space of vulnerability, self-discovery and healing through openly sharing his story.
From Darkness To Light encompasses his gift of using words, art and music, as he guides you towards finding your unique self-expression; discovering your light within. Highly recommend this book for anyone wanting to delve into self-awareness and healing.”
- Simone Niles - Transformational Coach, Author of Coaching for Performance
Excellence, Sound Healer & Vocalist London/UK www.simoneniles.com
"Will Caminada is a soul embodied in love of human form. His keen intuitiveness of reading the collective, shows his level of understanding on our missions as Lightworkers.
I am grateful for the work he does as it allows for more holistic avenues to provide humanity."
- Melissa Faith Ramirez - Intuitive transformational Guide, founder of "Lovingly Raw"
Honolulu/US www.melissafaithramirez.com
2nd Edition NOW Available all over the world
on Amazon
Will Caminada is a spiritual guide, singer / songwriter, author.
A Brazilian-born, Will has lived in various countries including England, Thailand, Germany and the US. He has acquired extensive experience in performing and teaching, both in Brazil and internationally.
In 2017, he released his self-written EP SOUL ART: From Darkness To Light, and began sharing his spiritual journey online and through workshops. Today his online guided meditations reach thousands of beautiful souls around the globe.
Will’s mission as an artist and teacher is “to inspire and heal the world through words, sounds, colors and soul.” He hopes his work will contribute to the awakening of humanity and the expansion of our consciousness.
He believes in a world where we’ll all live based on the principle that LOVE and CHANGE lie within each one of us.
For more information about his services, click HERE